Monthly Archive for July, 2011

Death of migrant in the aliens prison Elliniko near Athens gives rise to protests of co-detainees

Friday the 15th of July 15 Goulam Bamper Khan, a 27-year old immigrant from Pakistan, was found dead in the new detention center of Elliniko (close to Athens). He had been asking for a doctor repeatedly, but the only thing the detention center authorities did was to notify an unskilled member of a NGO, who just subscribed some medicine. Hours after this so-called medical examination, Goulam Bamper Khan fainted. Other inmates asked for an ambulance, but this was considered “not necessary”. Finally Goulam Bamper Khan died. Immediately riots broke up, as 98 inmates started shouting and pushing their cells’ doors. Riot police entered the detention center, chose 8 immigrants and started beating them up “to give a lesson to the rest”.
On Monday the 18th of July, these 8 immigrants were charged for arsoning, escape attempt, rebellion provoking, rioting and damaging the detention center…

Dublin-Deaths between Kerkyra/Greece and Bari/Italy (15th of January 2011)

The following testimony of Amin Fedaii, a 16-year-old afghan refugee, is alarming. More than 20 refugees (mainly from Afghanistan) died while trying to flee from Greece and to reach their relatives and friends in other European countries.

I felt very queasy, I was in the bottom of the ship and tried to sleep. I was not really sleeping I was so afraid. I was drifting away.

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Σκούπα από το κράτος, ξύλο από το παρακράτος κατά μεταναστών

Έντυπη Έκδοση Ελευθεροτυπία, Δευτέρα 11 Ιουλίου 2011

Ενας ακήρυχτος πόλεμος εξελίσσεται τα μεσάνυχτα από την Ομόνοια μέχρι το Μοναστηράκι. Αστυνομικά μπλόκα στην οδό Μενάνδρου προσάγουν μετανάστες χωρίς χαρτιά για έλεγχο. Κάποιες άλλες ομάδες με πολιτικά ρούχα κάνουν τις δικές τους εκκαθαρίσεις. Κυνηγούν με μοτοσικλέτες μετανάστες, τους εγκλωβίζουν κι όποιος γλιτώσει γλίτωσε…
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John missing Jen

John is missing Jen.
Jen got lost when she tried to cross the border to Greece. Maybe she drowned in Evros, the river between Turkey and Greece. We will mourn Jen and all the refugees that died during the attempt to overcome Fortress Europe on the 30th of August 2011 in Evros. We want to give back a piece of dignity, to those whose death disappeared — right here — into the senselessness of the European borders. And we will gather for giving back a piece of dignity to those who survived. We will create a memorial space.
In the year 2010 more than 50 persons lost their lives in the border space of Evros. In 2011 the numbers of dead have reached already more than 20. The creation of a 12,5 km long fence in Evros that started in July 2011 will increase the danger at this border even more but it will not stop people from fleeing to Europe.

A better healing will only come by actually knowing what happened

Interview with John, Athens, 11.05.11.

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