Our special thanks to all individual comrades and friends, political collectives and networks, co-living house projects, church communities, socially responsible companies and foundations who have supported / support this project!
infomobile is a grassroots project that wants to remain independent. Generally, we welcome all kinds of support, be it funding or material donations, and of course also human power, networking and creativity in our daily work.
Currently and due to the Covid-19 pandemic our movement is limited. Our work is thus focussed on tele- and online information sharing / support, campaigning, www-information sharing (situation on the ground in refugee camps, detention centres and for the homeless) and the support of our residents in the three solidarity flats we run in Athens.
In times where everybody in Greece is forced to limit her/his movement and preferably stay at ‘home’, it is those without ‘home’ on the streets and those cramped under poor conditions with no proper ‘home’ in overcrowded refugee camps, prisons, overcrowded flats and shanty towns, who are most exposed to the virus and have less access to medical aid. In these times there is a need for more ‘safe places’. There is a greater need to access information about citizens’ rights, human rights and specifically also the asylum and family reunification procedures and access to social rights. In these times, more than ever we need to stand together, and support those who are declared rightless with proper information and support. We have to fight for the right of everyone to be safe and with his/her family.
For donations to the infomobile and its welcome islands (solidarity flats) you will receive a donation receipt for your tax declaration. For money transfers please use the following account of our partner organisation in Germany:
Wohnschiffprojekt Altona e.V.
keyword: infomobile
IBAN: DE06 2005 0550 1257 1227 37
For concrete expenses you can also use the platform of Betterplace to contribute to our solidarity flats or the expenses for a new infobus, see here:
If you want to donate during the pandemic specifically for farmacy, gloves, masks, desinfection sprays or food meals for refugees and homeless people, you can send these to projects that are working during the pandemic on the ground providing emergency medical care and food, we strongly suggest you support our friends from:
STEPS, who work with the homeless in Athens.
Medical Volunteers International, for medical aid for refugees and homeless in Lesbos, Athens and Patras.
For further questions please contact us here:
Thank you!
In solidarity,
The infomobile team
Some of our comrades and friends who have supported us or are supporting us in different ways, are: