About Infomobile

The Infomobile is a small project of intercultural and trauma sensitive street work focussing on information sharing with refugees in Greece. It is run by a multicultural team that have either a migratory background and /or others who have strong experience about refugee rights in Greece.

It was founded as a Greek NGO on 23 August 2016 in Athens, Greece growing out of a grassroots project that emerged 2009 and was initially run by the sister organisation Wohnschiffprojekt Altona e.V. Hilfe für Flüchtlingskinder in Hamburg, Germany. 

We share information about peoples’ social and individual rights, the asylum and family reunification procedure and direct people to organisations that provide legal, medical and psycho-social aid. We maintain networks with and to the main destination countries of families living partly in Greece and partly elsewhere in Europe with a focus on Germany and the UK in order to ease the communication between professionals on both sides with the aim to reunite the families.

We support mainly but not exclusively vulnerable refugees and specifically focus on children and youth with their families, single mothers and sole women in general.

Our work includes campaigning for the right on family unity and the best interest of the child, as well as human rights and informing the civil society about challenges refugees face in Greece.

The overall aim is to support the empowerment of refugees through access to information and contacts to supporting organisations in the frame of a common struggle for equal rights.

The Infomobile offers also a small amount of humanitarian help currently mainly supporting a dozen of asylum seekers and refugees excluded temporarily or in long-term from state shelters. We also economically support people in rare emergency cases to fund lawyers for their asylum and/or family reunification procedures or in cases of administrative detention.