Monthly Archive for October, 2012

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“Xenios Dias” police sweep now in Patras

In the early morning hours of Monday Okctober 1, 2012 the authorities of Patras together with police from other areas started one of the biggest police raids that the town has seen. As the media wrote, the arrested might get transferred into the detention centre of Korinthos, in Patras and other cities/ villages around.

busses wait to transfer the arrested into detention centres

The currently 320 provisory arrested are closed up until now in one building of the Patraiki Peiraiki Factory in Patras were the police register them. As reported among them 208 have no legal residence in Greece- The ones who have no valid papers will be transferred with busses into detention.

The police sweep is still not completed and might be continued also tomorrow.

the arrested persons were transferred and registered inside the factory of Patraiki Peiraiki

read (in greek):
patras times (in greek)
the best news (in greek)
press release by the greek police

Read the Press Release of the Solidarity group of Patras from 03.10.12 (in english)