Author: A migratory girl
See what are our problems…
In Moria we have no place to stay. We are without shelter among thousands of adults and strangers. We sleep on the floor, in tents and anywhere we can find until we may get a place in a overcrowded container.
We are alone and there is no love. I feel I am the most lonely person in the world. We have no relative, no family to be with. We have no one to talk to and to protect us or give us advise. It is the main reason why we think of suicide and why many of us end up in addictions.
We have nothing useful to do. Oh, I became tired of life. It is boring to just wait not knowing why. There are no activities for us. There is no variety in our days but always the same rythim. Everyday is same in Moria. There is no difference between yesterday and today. I am a teenager full of energy. I should get rid of this energy like a snake empties its poison. I want to learn things, do things, grow.
This situation destroys me. It is changing my thoughts.
I am thinking to go out of this camp and this island in any way – legal or illegal. I would even climb under a truck to enter the ferry to Athens. I cannot be here anymore.
I am thinking what I should do? I am desperate because I have no money. I start smoking today, maybe I will take drugs tomorrow to not feel hungry, to not feel the time being stopped, to just to be far from this bad world.
I am thinking if I should wait for four months for a medical age test to correct my age or I should just run.
I am feeling hurt, seeing the others who have their mothers next to them and a shoulder to cry, someone to trust.
I become like a lost kid, who doesn’t know what to do, where to go. I need guidance.
I am thinking that every person I find in front of me is a wolf looking for a goat. I am scared.
I am thinking, why is there is no candle on my dark way?
I am bothering girls to make them feel weak and me strong.
I become afraid of losing everything, loosing my believes, loosing myself, loosing my way.
How long am I going to be here in Moria?
How am I going to survive this?
Whom can I trust?
Hundreds of us are in this situation here. We are more than 1.000 on this island, in this hell, I heard. Together we could have the power to build a city, to improve a countries’ economy, to change big things. Instead we don’t even know how to not destroy ourselves. We just need someone to hold our hand and lead us to the wright way, to tell us about good and bad, wright and wrong. To tell us how to use our power in a positive way, a way that will make us proud before ourselves and before our families and the society, someone to remind us who we are.
P.S. Special thanks to Yaser. I hope you will find your way my friend!