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Video: The plight of Syrian refugees in Greece

Published on Apr 9, 2013
The plight of Syrian refugees in Greece as reflected through their stories. How they arrived in Greece, under what circumstances were imprisoned, what they expected and what they found at last.

The 29-year old Syrian woman named Jihan recounts the sufferings of her family, on the small room they share to live in Athens.

Video by Christos Stamos

Gathering outside of Korydalos prison – 31st December 2012


Syrian refugees arriving on Lesvos and in Athens in 2012 / Al Jazeera

Hellas pour nous – video

Le Réseau de Solidarité et d’Information pour l’Action Antifasciste et Antirépressive en Grèce présente une … (Télé-)Réalite:

L’Aube Dorée, sa promotion par les Médias, sa collaboration avec la police et la lutte anti-fasciste en Grèce.


Revolt in Amigdaleza detention center

On December 1st migrants detained in Amigdaleza detention center started a protest against the detention conditions and demanding their freedom. It is not the first time and will not be the last time of protests in Amigdaleza and other detention centers.
In The night of that Saturday, the detainees gathered in the yard pulling the fence and shouting slogans for freedom.

The protest was encountered with Riot police who “convinced” the protestors to return silently into their cells.
Continue reading ‘Revolt in Amigdaleza detention center’

Letter by the Greens to Mr. Dendias and video showing Amigdaleza and minors detention centre

letter by the Greens to Citizen Protection Minister Dendias

Dear Minister Dendias,

We are writing to you as a follow up to our recent visit to Amygdaleza detention center in Attica, Greece, which took place November 10 and a recording of which can be found here. We hope with this letter to present you with a brief overview of our position and concerns relating to issues falling within your sphere of competence, and to commence a fruitful dialogue.
Continue reading ‘Letter by the Greens to Mr. Dendias and video showing Amigdaleza and minors detention centre’

150 refugees arrived only during 24 hours on Lesvos island

November 4: the new arriving stayed for some hours in the parks and streets

lesvos.gr (in greek)

November 2: detention of minors in busses

November 2: a refugee family separated: half in jail and half outside

see: tvxs (in greek)

Protest at the detention centre in Corinth reveals inhuman and degrading detention conditions

The provisory detention centre for sans-papiers was opened about four months ago in an overnight action by the Ministry of Citizen Protection and Public Order. It is one of three mass detention centres – the others are located in Xanthi and in Komotini – which were set up by the new government in the summer to fit the thousand arrested sans-papiers captured during the Xenios Dias sweep operation. There have been repeated protests by the mayor of Corinth against the creation of this detention centre. He even reached the point to cut off the water supply.

Corinth provisory detention center in a former army camp

The building was originally an army camp at the outskirts of Corinth city. Sans-papiers were arrested in massive sweeps and were brought from various places, such as Corinth and Patras, to this detention centre. A couple of NGOs have tried ever since to enter the prison in order to monitor the situation, screen the detainees and offer legal aid, but access has been denied. They could only see a hand full of detainees of whom they had their names in advance.

Yesterday, solidarity groups from Patras and Corinth but also from other places hold a protest in front of the detention centre. A delegation of seven persons entered the detention centre (with 2 parliamentarians of Syriza, a doctor, a lawyer, interpreters and members of the Movement for the Support of the Rights of Refugees and Migrant of Patras as well as the Antirascist Initiative of Corinth) More than 650 persons were detained in the overcrowded detention centre for the reason of “illegal entry”, “illegal stay” or “illegal exit” to/in/from Greece.

Detainees reported to the delegation that they were lacking warm water, they have insufficient food, no access to information and lawyers and seldom visits of doctors always without any interpreters, many lack medicine they need to take and thus remain sick in their cells.
Among the detainees were many minors, there were family fathers whose families upon their arrest were left behind without anyone to take care, there were persons who wanted to apply for asylum but could not manage and others who had applied 4 months earlier but were not released within the legal maximum period of detention for asylum seekers (3 months). Others had managed to apply for asylum but received during detention the rejection and lacked any information and legal aid to appeal within the given period of 15 days, therefore, falling out of the asylum system.
Reportedly, there are also many cases of ill-treatment by the authorities.

No concentration camps!
Never and nowhere!

best news (in greek)

see also older articles:
zougla tv (in greek)
letter by the syndicate of the police concerning hygiene in the detention centre of Corinth, October 17, 2012 (in greek)

read also the press release of the NGO AITIMA, September 13, 2012 (in greek)

“xenios zeus” pogrom continues in athens

This video was made by the police for the purpose of their propaganda. Unfortunately the police was not brave enough to show us also the sound! Easy to guess why…

Yesterday, October 5, the police invaded again the centre of Athens during “Xenios Zeus” operation. 1.537 persons were temporarily arrested and transferred for further controls to police stations. 339 of the were finally arrested and detained because they were lacking valid residence permits. 11 house searches were conducted. The police held the operation in the area from Syndagma up to Patissia.

press release of the greek police October 6 (in greek)

see also an older video (subtitled in english) of the “xenios zeus” operation in the railways station, which reminds of other times:

shocking images: the sweep operation in Athens continues on August 9, 2012

the images remind of other times….

Greek police released this video of todays sweep operation in the early morning hours at Larissis Railway Station in Athens:

In a press release of August 10 the police summed up that amongst others within the frame of the operation “Xenios Zeus”:

– 6.690 migrants were arrested
– 1.555 were detained because they were lacking legal residence papers
– 52 private houses were searched

and by the economic police:

– 103 shops were controlled
– 23 brothels were controlled, 48 persons were arrested and 22 were ordered administrative deportation
– Another 172 street sex workers were arrested