Saturday May 26: Fascists in Kipseli market, Athens

Saturday afternoon in Kipseli neighbourhood:
Around 60 Neonazi and 20 motor bikes made one of their ritualised “interventions” on the weekly markets of Athens. Migrants crossing their path were attacked and insulted, fascist slogans were shouted… At some point police teams of DIAS (motor bikes) arrived at the place who, according to witnesses, tried to control the papers of some of the Neonazis. The Neonazi and Parliamentarian of the fascist party “Golden Dawn” Panagiotarou as seen in the video, tried to show by whatever means that his party (GD) is “antisystemic” and that it is being “prosecuted” by the Greek police. In the following the parliamentarian started insulting god and the world and destructing a parked car. Nevertheless, he was not arrested as it happens i.e. with other parliamentarians from left wing parties. While Panagiotarou is claiming that his party is antisystemic, it actually seems as if GD unfortunately is very close to the Greek police and vice versa.

source: rising galaxy (in Greek)