T. Skordelis is one of the three fascists charged before the court for the violent attack on and Afghan refugee that occurred on the 16th of September. This is video is a collection of video material on her fascist involvement.
T. Skordelis is one of the three fascists charged before the court for the violent attack on and Afghan refugee that occurred on the 16th of September. This is video is a collection of video material on her fascist involvement.
On Friday, September 23, a small boat that was trying to get to Italy carrying 65 Kurds and Afghans sans-papiers, broke 90 miles southwest of the island of Zakynthos. When port police reached the vessel only 32 immigrants were aboard. A helicopter participating in the rescue operation managed to save 30 immigrants that have fallen in the sea. Late in the afternoon, the same helicopter discovered the bodies of 3 sans-papiers who drowned at sea.
May 2011: greek news video of fascists attacking a migrants shop leaving behind a huge destruction
We demand from the Greek authorities to react on and punish the continuing racist and fascist attacks
For more information see a greek documentary from 2009 on the fascist group golden dawn (in Greek)
part 1
Continue reading ‘Horrible video: greek fascist from the “golden dawn” publishes proudly material showing his assaults on the civil society’
Human Rights Watch published today, on the 21st of September 2011 a report about the Frontex operation in Evros underlining the international responsibility on the human rights violations against sans-papiers and asylum seekers in the detention centres of the region.
Frontex reacted immediately with a press release:
Warsaw, 21 September 2011 – Frontex welcomes the revised report of HRW and is satisfied to note that its comments on the original draft were taken on board. The report now highlights an issue, which we agree, is of great importance.
In the recent days repeated racist attacks take place in various neighbourhoods of Athens.
Yesterday, 17th of September the court case against
Friday night (September 16), 2 Afghan immigrants were attacked outside their home. When they saw a group of thugs approaching, scared they tried to run away but did not manage to escape. The gangs attacked them leaving one stabbed! The victim suffered two wounds, one next to the heart and another one just below. One person was arrested but the rest of the fascist gangs escaped and continued their attacks at St. Panteleimonas square beating up another Afghan. The arrested facist was brought to the court on Saturday 17th of September. The court was postponed for three days.
Continue reading ‘racist attacks in athens continue’
Will there be again border guards at the internal EU borders? France and Denmark have temporarily recovered their border control guards. Now the EU-commission has made a proposal for the reintroduction of internal border controls under specific circumstances and preconditions.
According to the proposal of the 16th of September, decisions on the reintroduction of internal border controls at specific European borders should be made by the commission in the near future and not by the member states themselves. Germany, Spain and France already announced their disagreement. While the commission wants to hinder the solo of EU-member states, these insist on the national sovereignty rights.
Continue reading ‘Debate about reintroduction of internal border controls in the EU: The EU-Commission wants to take the decisions itself’