Tag Archive for 'bangladeshi'

Manolada: working in the strawberry fields…


6 immigrants missing in Evros

In 2011 58 persons lost their life on the Greek-Turkish border along the river Evros/Maritsa.

This year starts again with disappearances and loss at border.

Two plastic boats, loaded with sans-papiers immigrants trying to cross Evros river, capsized early today morning. Up to now, rescue teams have discovered 6 immigrants. The rescued immigrants are two Afghans from the one boat (on which 4 more were aboard) and 4 nationals of Bangladesh who, along with two other compatriots tried to cross the river Evros, but without success, as their boat also overturned.

Investigations are continuing to find and rescue the missing immigrants (4 Afghans and 2 Bangladeshi), while the survivors were
transferred first aid to the Health Center for Orestiada.
