Tag Archive for 'deportation'

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25.000 thousand migrants deported in the last months while the racist pogrom continues

Citizen Protection Minister Papoutsis said that 25.000 migrants have been returned either by force or voluntarily within the last months from Greece to their home countries. The last deportation flight took place on thursday of January 19. Among the 56 deported were: 2 Egyptians, 23 Bangladeshi, 29 Chinese, one Pakistani and one Indian. The deportations take place from Athens airport.
Police raids and sweep operations have become harsher and more frequent. According to Papoutsis the Greek police controls daily an average of 400 migrants.
Meanwhile the construction of the anti-migratory “wall of shame” fence in Evros is being proceeded. The construction is planned to be finished in the next 5 months.

While migration policy is harshening, the racist pogrom continues unhindered in the centre of Athens. Daily migrants get beaten, stabbed and insulted in the areas close to Attiki and St. Panteleimon Church without any reaction from the police. Today an African migrant was stabbed nearby Panteleimon Church. The police reacted by asking the stabbed who was lying on the ground bleeding for his papers.

Another deportation of 29 migrants from Athens airport today

23 from Bangladesh
1 from Egypt
4 from Pakistan
1 from Uganda


More immigrants deported by EU-funded flights

More immigrants deported by EU-funded flights

Posted by clandestina on 16 December 2011

A charter plane carrying 42 Pakistani and 41 Afghani nationals left Athens for Islamabad and Kabul on Thursday (December 15, 2011). The same day 24 Egyptians, 1 Sudanese, 1 Ukrainian and 1 Rumanian were deported by cargo planes and 7 Albanians were deported by police vans. All deportation were funded by EU.

A similar deportation took place on December 1, 2011, one more on November, 10, 2011 and another one on October 19, 2011. Since March 2011, when Greece deported some 73 Dominicans, expulsion flights are taking place on a monthly basis.

Deportation flight from Athens to Lahore and Kabul

A charter plane carrying 33 Pakistani and 43 Afghani nationals left Athens for Lahore and Kabul, police said on Thursday (December 1, 2011), noting that deportation orders had been issued for the immigrants.

A similar deportation took place on November, 10, 2011.


2.412 migrants deported from Greece until now in 2011 while 1.097 returned voluntarily!!!!

While improvements in the asylum system are very few, deportations and programs of voluntary return are strengthened. On the 21st of November the Greek Citizens Protection Ministry announced that another deportation-Charter has been completed for 66 Afghans from Athens airport. From the beginning of the year another nine flights have deported refugees to their countries of origin. All of them are financed by the European Return Funds.
In total forcedly and voluntary returns have included 2.412 persons this year. Additionally, 1.097 persons have been returned by IOM voluntary return programs.

news in greek

minors burn their cell in amigdaleza detention centre

seven detained minors pending deportation were transferred to hospital after one of them put fire on a mattress in protest against their detention and claiming their rights as children.
the boys from Algeria, Palestina and Lybia are detainees in the special detention centre for minors in amigdaleza – a prison at the outskirts of athens.

ethnos newspaper, 7th of November (in greek)
eleftherotypia newspaper 6th of November (in greek)

Readmission of Asylum Seekers from Evros and Rhodopi detention centres to Turkey

As announced by a GCR Press Release from the 31st of October 2011 the authorities of Evros and Rhodopi prefectures continue to readmit persons in need of international protection to Turkey where they are exposed to the danger of refoulement to their countries of origin.

On the 25th of September three Iranian detainees from Fylakio detention centre were readmitted to Turkey. They had informed the authorities about their wish to claim asylum. A GCR lawyer had sent a fax also informing the authorities about their cases. However, their claims were never registered.

On the 10th of October two Iranian nationals from Sapes detention centre in Rhodopi and on the 24th of October another two Iranian detainees were readmitted to Turkey although the authorities had been informed also in their cases by a GCR lawyer about their wish to claim asylum. In these cases the police misguided the detainees giving them papers to sign in Greek which they could not understand. The detainees thought they are signing their asylum claims, however, what they really signed was a declaration that they do not wish to apply for asylum.
See: Press Release GCR (in Greek)

deportation flights from Athens to Islamabad and Kabul

On the 19th of October 61 sans-papiers were deported back to Pakistan and Afghanistan on a charter flight form Athens airport.
within the first nine months of 2011 five deportation flights have been completed from Athens returning a total of 335 sans-papiers to Nigeria, Egypt and Santo Domingo.
see: article in To Vima newspaper (in Greek)

The Greek police brought us to the border, silently like the smugglers, then they pushed us back

Evros: Push-back of Afghan unaccompanied minor October 2007

The fourth time I tried to enter Greece I came through Evros. The police arrested me and my friend who was also as young as me. We had to discuss a lot until they accepted us to be Afghans. They did not give us food until the next day. Nobody asked how old we are. They only asked our names. They brought us to Tyhero prison, they took our money and mobile phones. We were 200 persons in each cell – in total 400, I think. At least it was like in this in the night we were deported. Minors and adults were all together. We stayed five days. Then they put 50 of us into a truck in the night. After one hour we arrived at the river. We were waiting inside the truck. There was the sound of the Turkish soldiers. We could hear it inside the truck. They started again driving. In another place near the river on a dust road we were told to leave the truck in groups of 20. There were soldiers, civil police, border police. They told us to walk silently and don’t make any noise. Then we had to sit and wait. Then they put us into small inflatable boats – each 20 persons and two Greek police officers. They brought us to the Turkish side and told us to leave. Then they returned. The whole prison was returned to Turkey! Not all from one place, in groups of hundreds they spread us along the border. There were Palestinians, Pakistani, Afghans, Iranians… all boys and men.

64 sans-papiers deported by Italy back to Patras, 9th of September

As reported by local newspapers for the second time within the last year Italy is deporting sans-papiers by ship back to Greece. 64 sans-papiers are at this moment detained inside the ferryboat Ioanian Queen and guarded by 50 Carabinieris. They will arrive tomorrow morning in Patras. The deportation is reported to be based on the Dublin II regulation, but it remains unclear if there was any other legal ground on which this deportation was decided. While most European countries have stopped deporting sans-papiers back to Greece due to the European wide recognition of the ongoing human rights violations and degrading living conditions, Italy obviously continues. Italy itself is together with Hungary has been after Greece criticised more and more and became the next candidates for a struggle to stop Dublin II deportations back there.

local news in Greek