Tag Archive for 'PAKISTANI'

Refugees on hunger strike

In Samos hot spot and corinth pre-removal detention center refugees are protesting devastating living conditions and lacking access to asylum procedures as well as long waiting periods.

copyright: Hessam Ghafelpour

On 31st January refugee from Iran and Afghanistan in the hot spot in Samos started a hunger strike protesting against the long lasting asylum procedures, inhuman detention conditions and the restriction of their freedom. On the second day, one of the strikers

watch the strike here

copyright: Generation outside of Afghanistan

Yesterday detained refugees in Corinth pre-removal detention centre denied to eat lunch and dinner in protest against the bad detention conditions and lack of access to the asylum procedure. According to refugees, some of the detainees have been more than six months in detention. They suffer from bad food and the lack of warm water amongst others. Mainly people from Pakistan and Algeria are detained in Corinth these days. The refugees on hunger strike demand first of all their freedom.

interview from Corinth

Lesvos 21.3.2016: Detained Pakistanis transported with Blue Star in handcuffs to Piraeus / additional information

A witness account

pakistaniWe were traveling with the ferry Blue Star 1 from Mytilene to Piraeus on the 21.3.16.
As we entered the ship at 19.45 o’clock we saw an overcrowded bus entering filled with with sitting and standing persons. Outside media representatives and volunteers where watching the situation.

The bus on which was written EURORIDE on the front right side and which had the plate nr. PAZ1316 stopped inside the ship and we could see from a distance of 1 meter the people running handcuffed two by two up the stairs. We asked how many they are and someone from the crew said 150. Continue reading ‘Lesvos 21.3.2016: Detained Pakistanis transported with Blue Star in handcuffs to Piraeus / additional information’

Moria, Lesvos: Refugee protest against Readmissions to Turkey

copyright: Marily Stroux

copyright: Marily Stroux

Refugees are stuck the islands of the Aegean as Greek government forbid them moving on to the mainland in order to control the distribution of thousands to different mass camps. Currently more than 4,000 persons are caught up in Piraeus port at different gates in warehouses and tents outside. There is no more space for newcomers. Among the refugees in the port are many who were transferred to new mass camps in the periphery but denied to stay in these nowhere lands and returned. Continue reading ‘Moria, Lesvos: Refugee protest against Readmissions to Turkey’

Migrant dies of heart attack in Amigdaleza detention centre

In Amigdaleza detention centre where currently around 1,650 sans-papiers are detained, some of which are there even longer than 18 months, a Pakistani migrant died today of a heart attack. His case is the third medical case of a detainee in detention with fatal consequences due to insufficient medical aid.Amigdaleza detention center
koutitispandoras (in greek)
efymerida ton sindakton (in greek)

Migrants tortured with electroshock in their genitals at athens airport

I a recent visit of Elliniko detention centre Javed Aslam form the Pakistani community together representatives of KEERFA spoke with migrants who had been tortured in the Athens airport police. They had been first detained in Amigdaleza, then transferred for forced deportation to the airport. 0039

Now they are detained in Elliniko. The three detainees reported that they had been beaten and electroshocked. One of them reportedly had been boxed in the face, nine times electroshocked and kicked in the stomache. Another detainee had bruises on his back and sholder. The third one reported that he had been hurt with the Teaser’s electricity on his genital organs. He also showed injuries on his arm.

Furthermore, they reportedly were insulted and sexually harassed by police officers who asked them for oral sex.

roz karta (in greek)

Detained migrant commits suicide in Kozani

A young migrant from Pakistan commit suicide in the toilettes of the detention cells. He had been arrested for illegal entry to Greece.

tvxs (in greek)

Cold blooded Murder of an immigrant yesterday in Athens

A young male from Pakistan aged 27 was murdered yesterday late in the morning at approximately 3.30am, at the area of Petralona in the centre of Athens. The perpetrators were two Greek men aged 28 and 24 years old. The young Pakistani was attacked with a knife and died shortly afterwards. After the murder the two men tried to ride away on their motorbike, but the neighbours and eyewitness of the murder kept track of their license plates, they were arrested soon thereafter near Syntagma square by the Police. Anti-racist organizations are calling for a protest in the neighbourhood today in the afternoon. Police still didnt make any official statement concerning the perpretator’s motivation but everyone in the area is talking about a racist murder.
According to some recent news the perpetrators attacked the man because he had not given them priority (who were riding a motorbike) while he was riding his bicycle.

dawnofthegreeks (in english)

ethnos (in greek)
left.gr (in greek)
newsbomb (in greek)

Migrants’ shop attacked by fascists in Athens

A group of 7 yet unrecognised fascists fired on Sunday 9th at an immigrants’ hairdresser shop. They broke the glass front of the store. Reportedly the perpetrators then stabbed a customer who had tried to stop them. The client, a taxi driver, had to be hospitalised. Also another two employees of the hairdresser were injured. Then the perpetrators put the saloon on fire.
The salon located Matamorfosi, Athens, belongs to Pakistanis, who according to reports had already before received repeated threats to close up their shop and leave.

Source: left.gr

June 23, 2012: Tragic death of two refugees in ferry that arrived in Ancona, Italy

Two dead refugees were found inside a bus that arrived on June 23, 2012 in Ancona, Italy. The heat and lack of oxygen lead to the death of the unfortunate refugees and to the devastating health conditions of the others.
According to the news 18 refugees from Afghanistan were hiding inside the vehicle.

Last Tuesday another 7 refugees had lost their lives when trying to reach the Italian shore on a small boat.

News in greek

Deportation of 60 on Easter Wednesday

On April 11 60 migrants were deported from Athens to their home countries. among them were one Algerian, two Indians, two from Bangladesh, one Ukrainian, one from Poland, one Serbian and 52 from Pakistan. They were deported based on the grounds of illegal entry to Greece. The Pakistanis were deported with a special charter while all the others were returned on commercial flights.

news in greek