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Tag Archive for 'sex worker'

Joint Letter to UN Special Rapporteur on Health

Human Rights of Immigrants and Sex Workers in Greece
MAY 9, 2012

To: Anand Grover
UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health
OHCHR – Palais Wilson
United Nations Office at Geneva
CH-1211 Geneva 10

Dear Mr. Grover:

We are writing to call your attention to two issues of urgent and serious concern in Greece: (1) the administrative detention and compulsory medical testing of immigrants and asylum seekers based on health status and (2) the arrest, criminal prosecution and compulsory HIV testing of sex workers.
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Serious violation of human rights and medical confidentiality by the Greek Police

Athens, April 30, 2012
Serious violation of human rights and medical confidentiality through the disclosure of data and photographs of an HIV positive female prostitute by the Greek Police.
In an unprecedented stigma action, the competent authorities of Greece publicized, through a press release by the Greek Police, the full details, photographs and medical record’s information of a 22 year old prostitute, from Russia.

The unprecedented racist initiative of the Greek authorities sparked a number of articles in the press and media reports naming and shaming the woman, publishing her personal data, stigmatising her, as well as every person wholives with HIV. This action is damaging the image of our country, after which it ceases to be a modern, well-governed and humane state.
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