Tag Archive for 'health'

Racist attack in Kalithea, Athens – hospital reports migrant victim to the police


On Friday 30 of November fascists of Golden Dawn attacked in the market of Kalithea (Aristeidou / Xarokopou street) two migrant street vendors (from Egypt and Pakistan). They were attacked and robbed. The man from Egypt is hospitalised with severe injuries on his head. The man was hospitalised in Tzanio hospital with injuries in the face and on his back. Suddenly, the police appeared in the hospital. Shortly after having his wounds stitched the injured man φελτ threatened by arrest ανδ before the medical examinations had even finished disappeared in order to go home where he felt secure.

This happens only two days after the incident in Agioi Anargiroi Hospital where an undocumented woman with cancer had been reported by the director of the hospital himself to the police for being undocumented.

Only one month ago fascists together with the police had attacked again migrants in the area of Kalithea, the officer using his gun to beat migrants on their heads.

indymedia athens (in greek)
tvxs (in greek)
the insider (in greek)

Undocumented migrant woman with cancer under custody in hospital

An undocumented migrant woman – bedridden due to cancer – is currently hospitalized in a public hospital while under custody. The hospital director reported her to the police although her family had already paid the costs of the hospital for her.

The woman had been transferred from Metaxa hospital to Agioi Anargiroi hospital for an urgent operation. Following the operation her relatives paid the hospital bill since she is undocumented and thus also not insured. Then the director of the hospital Mr. Bartzokas reported the woman to the police because she was undocumented – resulting in the woman being under custody in the hospital while bedridden.
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Greek doctors refuse to stop treating undocumented migrants

Hospital doctors announce decision to ignore the Ministry of Health directive and to continue treating undocumented migrants
Prior to the May 6th elections, the minister of health, Loverdos, announced undocumented migrants were to no longer receive any treatment in public hospitals in Greece. In response, hospital doctors issued, through their union body, the following statement


“We will treat undocumented migrants. No to Loverdos’ credentials to the [Nazis of the] Golden Dawn!”

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Joint Letter to UN Special Rapporteur on Health

Human Rights of Immigrants and Sex Workers in Greece
MAY 9, 2012

To: Anand Grover
UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health
OHCHR – Palais Wilson
United Nations Office at Geneva
CH-1211 Geneva 10

Dear Mr. Grover:

We are writing to call your attention to two issues of urgent and serious concern in Greece: (1) the administrative detention and compulsory medical testing of immigrants and asylum seekers based on health status and (2) the arrest, criminal prosecution and compulsory HIV testing of sex workers.
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Serious violation of human rights and medical confidentiality by the Greek Police

Athens, April 30, 2012
Serious violation of human rights and medical confidentiality through the disclosure of data and photographs of an HIV positive female prostitute by the Greek Police.
In an unprecedented stigma action, the competent authorities of Greece publicized, through a press release by the Greek Police, the full details, photographs and medical record’s information of a 22 year old prostitute, from Russia.

The unprecedented racist initiative of the Greek authorities sparked a number of articles in the press and media reports naming and shaming the woman, publishing her personal data, stigmatising her, as well as every person wholives with HIV. This action is damaging the image of our country, after which it ceases to be a modern, well-governed and humane state.
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Greek Health Minister demands deportation of AIDS infected migrant women!

HIV infected migrant women should be deported, said Andreas Loverdos the Greek Health Minister in a conference about the public health.

“The infection goes from the illegal migrant women to the Greek client, into the Greek family.”

Mr. Loverdos, Greek Minister of Health

According to Health Minister Andreas Loverdos, drug addiction and illegal prostitution, especially when combined with illegal migration, were the main culprits for the rise in the rate of HIV infection.

From about 620 brothels and “studios” only seven are legal and from around 20.000 brothels workers only 1.200 are registered according to the Minister. As he continued, the Ministry of Health has handed information about the illegal prostitution to the Citizen Protection Ministry for the reasons of protecting the “public health”. His speech ended: “The infected women should leave Greece!”

see: in Greek on altherthess