Monthly Archive for September, 2010

Bulgaria, Romania Schengen bid faces delay -14.9.2010

EU European affairs ministers yesterday (13 September) decided to extend monitoring on Romania and Bulgaria, which was put in place to tackle their poorly functioning judicial systems and inability to curb corruption. France said the majority of countries are opposed to Bucharest and Sofia’s accession to Schengen until the monitoring has been lifted.
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The ‘Dublin Regulation’ undermines refugee rights – Sept. 2010

The asylum procedures of European countries are still flawed – they need to be improved and better harmonised. One of the necessary reforms is to overhaul the dysfunctional so-called Dublin Regulation within the European Union.
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UNHCR says asylum situation in Greece is ‘a humanitarian crisis’ 21.09.2010

Briefing Notes

This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Adrian Edwards – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at the press briefing, on 21 September 2010, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.
Continue reading ‘UNHCR says asylum situation in Greece is ‘a humanitarian crisis’ 21.09.2010′

Study on Readmission Protocolls

ep Readmission study

Amnesty International report on detention Greece 2010

Greece amnesty international irregulars detained repport july 2010

Article on Evros

Τα προσφυγικά καραβάνια άλλαξαν ρότα

Η φρίκη των στρατοπέδων του Έβρου αποτελεί το καλωσόρισμα των χιλιάδων μεταναστών που φτάνουν στη χώρα μας με όνειρα και προσδοκίες για μια καλύτερη ζωή.
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14.09.2010: Pakistani workers go on strike after police raid

14.09.2010: Pakistani workers go on strike after police raid

Today, hundreds of Pakistani immigrants living and working in Skala, Laconia took the decision to go on strike after the pogrom that was unleashed against them earlier.
Continue reading ‘14.09.2010: Pakistani workers go on strike after police raid’

«Αγκυροβολημένοι» στο λιμάνι της Πάτρας Εκατοντάδες λαθρομετανάστες και πρόσφυγες προσπαθούν να διαφύγουν στην Ιταλία

In: Kathimerini 12.09.2010
«Αγκυροβολημένοι» στο λιμάνι της Πάτρας
Εκατοντάδες λαθρομετανάστες και πρόσφυγες προσπαθούν να διαφύγουν στην Ιταλία

Της Λινας Γιανναρου
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