Tag Archive for 'racist attacks'

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Police protects fascists, more racist attacks, more police pogroms, more clashes with fascists, by clandestina

Posted by clandestina on 2 October 2012

In the evening of Sunday, Sep 30th the third anti-fascist motorcycle patrol spotted nazis in the area of Amerikis Square in Athens and clashed with them. Soon thereafter, the anti-fascists were brutally attacked by the police. Many antifascists were injured and 23 arrested. Next day, approximately 300 people gathered in the courthouse of Athens in solidarity with the arrested. When the imprisoned anti-fascists exited the building to to be transferred back to the police HQ, the police attacked the gathering, chasing people inside the courthouse’s yard and then in the nearby streets. Approx. 20 more people were detained during the police operation. In total, 4 people were arrested and they will appear in the court on Tuesday morning.
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Xenophobes Find Police Protection in Greece, by Apostolis Fotiadis / IPS News

Xenophobes Find Police Protection in Greece
By Apostolis Fotiadis / IPS News

ATHENS, Sep 19 2012 (IPS) – Panahi Gholamhousein (22), an Afghan refugee who spends his days in a room that is barely five square metres with his wife Zarmina (18) and their 19-month-old daughter Zahra, has hardly left his place in downtown Athens since he was beaten up and robbed nearly a month ago.
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Migrants’ shop attacked by fascists in Athens

A group of 7 yet unrecognised fascists fired on Sunday 9th at an immigrants’ hairdresser shop. They broke the glass front of the store. Reportedly the perpetrators then stabbed a customer who had tried to stop them. The client, a taxi driver, had to be hospitalised. Also another two employees of the hairdresser were injured. Then the perpetrators put the saloon on fire.
The salon located Matamorfosi, Athens, belongs to Pakistanis, who according to reports had already before received repeated threats to close up their shop and leave.

Source: left.gr

UN rights chief worried about Greece due to violent xenophobic attacks against migrants

The UN’s top human rights official has, in an usual move, singled out Greece as a worrisome area.

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay told the Geneva-based council Monday that she is worried about

“violent xenophobic attacks against migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in recent months, for example in Greece.”

Racist attacks against immigrants have increased in Greece since the economic crisis flared in 2009, according to pro-immigrant groups which accuse the police of turning a blind eye.

Supporters of neofacist Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn) as well as two of the party’s deputies, Giorgos Germenis and Panayiotis Iliopoulos, attacked immigrants’ stalls at a church fate in Rafina, northeast of Athens, late Friday.

Pillay’s assessment of the world is important because it sets the tone for the work of the UN’s 47-nation Human Rights Council whose month-long session opened Monday.

ekathimerini (in english)

Read a recent comment on the rise of the fascist party Chrissy Avgi (golden dawn) by S.E. Smith in “global comment”

Fascists attack migrant street vendors on Greek markets

Members of the fascist group GD (golden dawn) attacked yesterday (Saturday 8th) the weekly market in the city of Mesologi and a feast market in Rafina. They started controlling migrant street vendors for an official work permit and continued destroying their belongings and beating them.

Watch the shocking videos here:

Migrant victim of the fascist attackers



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Migrants reverting to Aegean route?

from eKathimerini

A crackdown on the influx of undocumented immigrants entering Greece via the land border with Turkey has apparently resulted in people smugglers changing their routes as increasing numbers of migrants are being intercepted on the islands of the Aegean, authorities say.

This month police and coast guard officers detained 146 undocumented immigrants on the islands of Symi, Farmakonisi, Samos and Lesvos, compared to 68 on the islands of the Dodecanese in the first half of this year. On Tuesday, 40 migrants — chiefly Afghans, Syrians and Palestinians — were stopped on Symi and 39 — mostly Afghans — on Farmakonisi.
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more than 500 fascist attacks against migrants in the last six months!!!!

While the police is operating a huge sweep in Athens and Evros since August 2nd, racist attacks are getting more. Migrants communities speak of more than 500 hate crimes in the last six months and an organised wave of hate crimes in the last days.
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“Hate on the Streets”

download the report in English

Almost daily by now the murderous racist attacks in Greece

A video of the attack, recorded secretly by a bystander and uploaded onto the Internet, showed a group of young men, most of them dressed in black, running down a flight of stairs at a metro station and attacking someone. Cries of “No, no” in broken Greek can be heard, though the victim is barely discernible, as well as an exchange between two of the assailants.

“Did you stick the knife in him?” one asks. “I shoved it in all the way,” another responds.

Continue reading ‘Almost daily by now the murderous racist attacks in Greece’

Refugee in coma after racist attack in Patras

On June 24, 2012 a young refugee was attacked by a group of persons who had arrived at the place on their motor bikes. They beat him unconscious. It is yet unclear if he will survive the attack. As civilian witnesses observed, one of the perpetrators was a known member of the fascist party golden dawn. The civilians also witnessed that the police hesitated to react and save the victim.

news in greek