Tag Archive for 'video'

Refugees describe dire conditions in migrant detention centre Corinth

GlobalPost documentary shows footage recorded inside Corinth camp

Granted political asylum in December, Farhad, detained for 14 months at the detention centre in Corinth, said detainees were packed scores to a room and often beaten by police. In protest at the appalling conditions, he and others sowed their mouths together and went on hunger strike

“We didn’t have any choice so we started a hunger strike, we sewed up our mouth and we stopped eating and drinking. Anyone will do whatever it takes to get his freedom. Some people have tried to commit suicide to get free, others went crazy in there,” he told Anna Giralt Gris, who made the documentary.

Former detainees have spoken out about the appalling conditions inside the government’s migrant detention centres, in a short documentary that offers a rare glimpse into what the government calls migrant pre-removal facilities.

Amigdaleza detention centre (photo: reuters)

Amigdaleza detention centre (photo: reuters)

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Documentary: Watch “Readmitted”

by Paolo Martino

Saddam, Hamza and Omar have travelled for thousands of kilometers, passing through the wars of Afghanistan, the Horn of Africa and the Middle East. Once in Greece, close to the Europe they dream of, they have to spend months around the port of Patras attempting to board the ferries that cross the Adriatic Sea. The courage they show crossing the sea, however, has no relevance for the Italian port authority: spotted in the harbor during disembarkation, the migrants are forced to return to the same ferry and are immediately pushed back to Greece (technically “readmitted”), in violation of the rights of refugees and asylum seekers.
Riammessi (Readmitted)’s, the new ZaBit, première will be screened on November 14, at 11 am, during the presentation of “Porti insicuri”, report on the readmissions from Italian ports towards Greece and on the violation of migrants’ fundamental rights, organized by Doctors for Human Rights in collaboration with ASGI. On November 14, Riammessi (Readmitted) will also be visible online on the website www.zalab.org.

Watch the documentary “Readmitted”

2013: detention conditions in samos coast guard

video / SWR: Pushed back from Greece to Turkey

German state TV in “Report Mainz” uncovers the brutal methods of push backs Greece is implementing hiddenly on the sea border between Turkey and Greece.

watch the report here in german

3 Videos / CNN / Europe’s Lost Children: Journeys of pain, despair – and joy.

Immigrants fleeing violence pay people smugglers thousands of dollars to enter Europe through Greece. The exodus includes children, alone and at risk. Their dreams are big, but the reality far different.
Story by: Irene Chapple. Film, Wojciech Treszczynski. Photo, Giorgos Moutafis.

Sisters’ tears for broken family

Arazu has dressed carefully for her morning flight. The petite, youthful 43-year-old wears summery white trousers and Jackie O-inspired cream plastic sunglasses. Her nails are painted deep burgundy and her hair sits in a soft bob above her shoulders. Her earrings are delicate twisted wire balls with little pearls buried inside, gifts from her two daughters at Christmastime.video.placeholder.1

But it’s the trousers and sunglasses that carry the most powerful memories for Arazu. She wore them the day she left Greece with fake papers more than two years ago. Now, as a legal resident of Europe, she’s wearing them upon her return as a symbol of freedom — and a message of hope.
Continue reading ‘3 Videos / CNN / Europe’s Lost Children: Journeys of pain, despair – and joy.’

Standing up to Golden Dawn in Greece

The economic crisis in Greece has led to a rise in support for the far-right Golden Dawn and an increase in racist attacks. Jamal Osman talks to one man who is fighting back.

Michael Chege and his friends patrol their neighbourhood in Athens, Greece, most nights. After many encounters with the neo-Nazi group, Golden Dawn, they set up their own brigade, nicknamed the Black Panthers.They want to protect themselves from the fascists who are targeting people who are not ethnic Greeks.
Continue reading ‘Standing up to Golden Dawn in Greece’

Manolada: working in the strawberry fields…


Video about racist police raid in Kipseli, Athens

This is a video produced by the Greek Police for today’s “stop and search” campaign in the area of Kypseli. To get a grip of the institutionalised racism of the greek state, one needs to pay attention to the video: in 4mins, there is noone stopped and searched who is not black or Asian. Absolutely none!

enet (in greek)

watch: into the fire

video: syrian refugees in greece 2013
