Tag Archive for 'detention'

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Press Release by the Movement of Samos concerning detention conditions

Samos 07.12.12 – Movement for the Human rights – Solidarity to Refugees


Following the visit of members of the Movement in the coast guard facilities where 41 persons – among them eight newly arrived women and seven children mainly coming from Syria – are hold, and where we were asked to offer our support with clothing and hygiene articles, we noticed the following:

In this informal detention place of the Samos coast guards’ special forces men, women and children are closed up together with three penal detainees and one unaccompanied minor who is waiting since long time to be transferred into a special reception centre for minors.
The detention place is absolutely unsuitable and the detention conditions are miserable. There are no matresses, blankets, hygiene articles and there is only one toilette. The newly arrived Syrian refugees came wet and exhausted without being offered dry clothes or food.
The treatment by the authorities and the abolute lack of protection that the Greek government is encountering them with are reminding of darker periods when the informal detention centre of Kapnokoptiriou was still in function – a warehouse of souls.
The coast guard – the responsible ones for the detention – told us that they had requested support from all local authroities without receiving any responds.



Revolt in Amigdaleza detention center

On December 1st migrants detained in Amigdaleza detention center started a protest against the detention conditions and demanding their freedom. It is not the first time and will not be the last time of protests in Amigdaleza and other detention centers.
In The night of that Saturday, the detainees gathered in the yard pulling the fence and shouting slogans for freedom.

The protest was encountered with Riot police who “convinced” the protestors to return silently into their cells.
Continue reading ‘Revolt in Amigdaleza detention center’

Protest of migrants in Fylakio detention center

On December 5, 2012 the detained migrants in Fylakio, Orestiada protested against the extended length of detention of up to 18 months. On October 19, the government had published a change of law according to which detention duration would be extended form 6 months to 18. Currently there are 160 detainees in Fylakio.

The protest in Fylakio is only one among many in the past month following Corinth and Komotini uprisings. As in the other uprisings the police of Orestiada announced also for the case of Fylakio to punish the ones “responsible” for the protest and the respective damages by charges for criminal acts.

See video of thrakine here

Skai.gr (in greek)

UPDATE: see new article about Corinth detention center from December 8, 2012 in Efimerida sinadakton (in greek)

Vote No on the EU “Reception” Directive! Flight is no crime!

Appeal to the members of the European Parliament

Vote No on the EU Reception Directive! Flight is no crime!

Dear Sir or Madam,

Imagine you yourself had to flee. You leave everything that you own behind. After a long, ardous journey you reach the EU. You believe that here rule of law and democracy exist, and you finally believe that you are safe. But at the border you are being arrested. You are locked up in the next detention centre – for months if deemed necessary. No-one tells you why you are being detained.
Continue reading ‘Vote No on the EU “Reception” Directive! Flight is no crime!’

The father in detention, the 5-year-old alone at home!

2,5 months ago the sudanese father of a 5-year-old daughter was arrested for lacking valid documents. The man is living in Greece since 20 years and was on his way to the supermarket to get some food when the police arrested him. His daughter, born herself in Greece, was waiting at home. The desperate father asked the police repeatedly to send someone home to look after his child, but no one cared. The father was sent to detention to Komotini with the aim of deportation, despite the fact that deportations to Sudan are not feasible. It is not known what has happened to the child after the arrest of the father.
Continue reading ‘The father in detention, the 5-year-old alone at home!’

Detention conditions in Attica inhuman, police declares

The Greek government has been condemned repeatedly by the ECHR for the detention conditions of migrants. Consequently, Greece had to pay some thousands of Euro as fines/ compensation and still did not improve anything. Since 2000 many detention centers have started getting overcrowded. Now, the Greek police in a press conference criticised themselves the inhuman detention conditions of the overcrowded police stations and detention centers in Attica.
While every detainee has the right of 4m2 in detention in many cells, prisons, they have less than 1m2 and in others three persons might even share 1m2! Some police stations do not even have cells and are not equipped for detention. Most of the times, administrative detainees – such as sans-papiers – are detained along with personal arrested for criminal acts in mixed detention. Even worse many times men, women and children have to share cells.
Continue reading ‘Detention conditions in Attica inhuman, police declares’

Letter by the Greens to Mr. Dendias and video showing Amigdaleza and minors detention centre

letter by the Greens to Citizen Protection Minister Dendias

Dear Minister Dendias,

We are writing to you as a follow up to our recent visit to Amygdaleza detention center in Attica, Greece, which took place November 10 and a recording of which can be found here. We hope with this letter to present you with a brief overview of our position and concerns relating to issues falling within your sphere of competence, and to commence a fruitful dialogue.
Continue reading ‘Letter by the Greens to Mr. Dendias and video showing Amigdaleza and minors detention centre’

Solidarity poster for the struggle of migrants in Corinth and Komotini detention centres

Solidarity poster for the detained migrants in Corinth and Komotini whose protests against imprisonment and detention conditions were violently cracked down by riot police with tear gas and beatings. In Corinth 24 of the protesters and in Komotini 55 of them were criminalised for their protests and brought to the court.

– This poster is spread in Patras by the Initiative against the statal, social and civil fascism.

2012: Solidarity poster (in greek)

Uprising in Komotini detention center now!

Following the events of last Sunday in Corinth detention centre, on Friday 23 of November, the detainees of Komotini started an uprising to protest against detention and demand freedom. Left.gr reported that repeated gun shots have been heard from within the prison and smoke was seen. Parliamentarians form Syriza are heading towards the prison to see what is going on after the police confirmed the information on an uprising. Extra police forces are on their way to “control” the situation.

Continue reading ‘Uprising in Komotini detention center now!’

Hungers strike of migrant detainees in Mytilini and racist attacks against homeless newcomers

On Tuesday November 20 some of the migrants detained in Mytilini police station for undocumented entry into Greece through the Turkish border started a hunger strike in order to protest against the humiliating detention conditions and the long detention periods. They struggle for freedom. It is not known how many of them continue the struggle and if some have been already released or not.

Arrivals of migrants have started again this summer, fastly exceeding the capacities of detention cells in the local police stations of the island. Due to the general order “to keep them as long as possible in detention” overcrowdedness amongst others has been reported throughout the four months to worsen the detention conditions. Continue reading ‘Hungers strike of migrant detainees in Mytilini and racist attacks against homeless newcomers’